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There are a total of 18 results.

Word results: n.
Person :: Girl slut (1664–1884 joc.){"fulldate": "1664–1884 joc.", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_0", "starting_time": 1664, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1884, "ending_ac": ""}]}|05 n.
Mammals :: Dog :: female slut (1845– perh. orig. US){"fulldate": "1845– perh. orig. US", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_2", "starting_time": 1845, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]} adj.
Clean/dirty :: Dirty (of persons) slut (1500/20–1638){"fulldate": "1500/20–1638", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_4", "starting_time": 1500, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1638, "ending_ac": ""}]} vt.
Make like dirty person slut (a1618 + 1645){"fulldate": "a1618 + 1645", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_6", "starting_time": 1618, "starting_ac": "a"},{"id": "timelineRow_7", "starting_time": 1645, "starting_ac": ""}]}|02 n.
Cleanness/dirtiness :: Dirty person :: woman/girl slut (1402–){"fulldate": "1402–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_10", "starting_time": 1402, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|09.06 n.
Light :: Candle :: made from animal fat :: made from a rag dipped in fat slut (1609–1886){"fulldate": "1609–1886", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_12", "starting_time": 1609, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1886, "ending_ac": ""}]}|20 n.
Light :: Candle :: guttering slut (a1864){"fulldate": "a1864", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_14", "starting_time": 1864, "starting_ac": "a"}]}

01.15.11|01.02 n.
Difficulty :: that which is difficult :: a difficult thing/person slut (c1460){"fulldate": "c1460", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_16", "starting_time": 1460, "starting_ac": "c"}]}|02 adj.
Orderly :: Untidy :: of persons slut (1500/20–1638){"fulldate": "1500/20–1638", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_18", "starting_time": 1500, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1638, "ending_ac": ""}]}|04.01 n.
Order :: Untidiness :: an untidy person :: woman slut (1402–){"fulldate": "1402–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_20", "starting_time": 1402, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|02.01 n.
Inattention :: Light-mindedness :: person :: female slut (1664–){"fulldate": "1664–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_22", "starting_time": 1664, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|05.03 n.
Pride :: Impudence :: impudent person :: girl/woman slut (c1450–){"fulldate": "c1450–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_24", "starting_time": 1450, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|01 vi.
Be under authority :: Types of servant :: act as menial slut (1829){"fulldate": "1829", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_26", "starting_time": 1829, "starting_ac": ""}]}|10 n.
Subjection :: Types of servant :: menial servant/drudge slut (1855){"fulldate": "1855", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_28", "starting_time": 1855, "starting_ac": ""}]}|16.11 n.
Subjection :: Domestic servant :: maid/housemaid :: kitchen-maid slut (c1450){"fulldate": "c1450", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_30", "starting_time": 1450, "starting_ac": "c"}]}|03 vi.
Be unchaste/sexually indulgent :: of woman: make herself available slut (about) (1829–){"fulldate": "1829–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_32", "starting_time": 1829, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|03.03.01 n.
Moral evil :: Unchastity :: sexual indulgence :: unchaste behaviour of woman :: unchaste/loose woman slut (c1450–){"fulldate": "c1450–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_34", "starting_time": 1450, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

03.11.04|14 vi.
Carry on an occupation/work :: work in other specific ways/conditions slut (about) (1829){"fulldate": "1829", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_36", "starting_time": 1829, "starting_ac": ""}]}

[{"class": "tip", "catorder": 31, "firstdate": 1664, "lastdate": 1884, "catnum": "", "catid": "39938", "label": "slut [Girl (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Girl (n.)]: 1664–1884 joc.", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_1", "starting_time": -9656409600000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -2713910400000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 3, "firstdate": 1845, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|05", "catid": "37205", "label": "slut [Dog :: female (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Dog :: female (n.)]: 1845– perh. orig. US", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_3", "starting_time": -3944592000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 1500, "lastdate": 1638, "catnum": "", "catid": "56232", "label": "slut [Dirty (of persons) (adj.)]", "popup": "slut [Dirty (of persons) (adj.)]: 1500/20–1638", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_5", "starting_time": -14831769600000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -10476864000000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1618, "lastdate": 1645, "catnum": "", "catid": "56238", "label": "slut [Make like dirty person (vt.)]", "popup": "slut [Make like dirty person (vt.)]: a1618 + 1645", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_8", "starting_time": -11108016000000, "starting_ac": "a", "display": "circle"},{"id": "timelineRow_9", "starting_time": -10255939200000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1402, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|02", "catid": "56229", "label": "slut [Dirty person :: woman/girl (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Dirty person :: woman/girl (n.)]: 1402–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_11", "starting_time": -17924371200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1609, "lastdate": 1886, "catnum": "|09.06", "catid": "74161", "label": "slut [Candle :: made from a rag dipped in fat (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Candle :: made from a rag dipped in fat (n.)]: 1609–1886", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_13", "starting_time": -11392012800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -2650752000000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 3, "firstdate": 1864, "lastdate": 1864, "catnum": "|20", "catid": "74185", "label": "slut [Candle :: guttering (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Candle :: guttering (n.)]: a1864", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_15", "starting_time": -3345062400000, "starting_ac": "a", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1460, "lastdate": 1460, "catnum": "01.15.11|01.02", "catid": "80018", "label": "slut [Difficulty :: a difficult thing/person (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Difficulty :: a difficult thing/person (n.)]: c1460", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_17", "starting_time": -16094073600000, "starting_ac": "c", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1500, "lastdate": 1638, "catnum": "|02", "catid": "106599", "label": "slut [Untidy :: of persons (adj.)]", "popup": "slut [Untidy :: of persons (adj.)]: 1500/20–1638", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_19", "starting_time": -14831769600000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -10476864000000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1402, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|04.01", "catid": "106595", "label": "slut [Untidiness :: woman (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Untidiness :: woman (n.)]: 1402–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_21", "starting_time": -17924371200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 10, "firstdate": 1664, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|02.01", "catid": "122464", "label": "slut [Light-mindedness :: female (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Light-mindedness :: female (n.)]: 1664–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_23", "starting_time": -9656409600000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 1450, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|05.03", "catid": "132178", "label": "slut [Impudence :: girl/woman (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Impudence :: girl/woman (n.)]: c1450–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_25", "starting_time": -16409606400000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1829, "lastdate": 1829, "catnum": "|01", "catid": "163193", "label": "slut [Types of servant :: act as menial (vi.)]", "popup": "slut [Types of servant :: act as menial (vi.)]: 1829", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_27", "starting_time": -4449513600000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 16, "firstdate": 1855, "lastdate": 1855, "catnum": "|10", "catid": "163169", "label": "slut [Types of servant :: menial servant/drudge (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Types of servant :: menial servant/drudge (n.)]: 1855", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_29", "starting_time": -3629059200000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1450, "lastdate": 1450, "catnum": "|16.11", "catid": "163252", "label": "slut [Domestic servant :: kitchen-maid (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Domestic servant :: kitchen-maid (n.)]: c1450", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_31", "starting_time": -16409606400000, "starting_ac": "c", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1829, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|03", "catid": "171955", "label": "slut (about) [Be unchaste/sexually indulgent :: of woman: make herself available (vi.)]", "popup": "slut (about) [Be unchaste/sexually indulgent :: of woman: make herself available (vi.)]: 1829–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_33", "starting_time": -4449513600000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 17, "firstdate": 1450, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|03.03.01", "catid": "171919", "label": "slut [Unchastity :: unchaste/loose woman (n.)]", "popup": "slut [Unchastity :: unchaste/loose woman (n.)]: c1450–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_35", "starting_time": -16409606400000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 1829, "lastdate": 1829, "catnum": "03.11.04|14", "catid": "198091", "label": "slut (about) [Carry on an occupation/work :: work in other specific ways/conditions (vi.)]", "popup": "slut (about) [Carry on an occupation/work :: work in other specific ways/conditions (vi.)]: 1829", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_37", "starting_time": -4449513600000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]}]