How to Cite

Each category page contains a link to find a custom citation for that category in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles. If your style guide prefers a single bibliography entry for this resource, we recommend:

The Historical Thesaurus of English (2nd edn., version 5.0). 2025. University of Glasgow.

If your style guide prefers author names, we recommend:

Kay, Christian, Marc Alexander, Fraser Dallachy, Jane Roberts, Michael Samuels, and Irené Wotherspoon (eds.). 2025. The Historical Thesaurus of English (2nd edn., version 5.0). University of Glasgow.

Note that our practice is to list Christian Kay first, to recognise her key role in creating the Thesaurus, and then our other editors alphabetically. In your citation, you will normally also need to give the date on which you accessed the site. We also strongly recommend you give the version number of the database at the time of your access (this is 5.0 at present; for more information, see this page).

Each search result and category page has a persistent URL which can be used to refer to a precise point in the database.

Citing the About Pages

Where no author is specified, the About the Thesaurus and other text pages on this site were written by Marc Alexander and Christian Kay. You can therefore cite the information on these pages as in the following example:

Alexander, Marc and Christian Kay. 2025. Facts and Figures. In About the Historical Thesaurus of English. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
